
2025 Call for Award Nominations
Distinguished Service Award Nomination Form
National Dental Teaching Award Nomination Form
The ACFD promotes excellence in dental education, research and service and recognises outstanding achievement with the presentation of the following awards.
Distinguished Service Award
The ACFD Distinguished Service Award was established in 2008 to recognise individuals or groups who have made significant contributions to dental education, dental academia and dental scholarship in Canada.
National Dental Teaching Award
This award is presented annually to a faculty member who, in the opinion of his or her students and peers, has displayed the qualities of an outstanding teacher and has displayed exceptional interest in, and enthusiasm for, the learning needs of students.
National Dental Research Award
The Canadian Association for Dental Research (CADR) along with the Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry (ACFD) are pleased to recognise exceptional contributions with this award to dental research at Canadian Universities.
W.W. Wood Award
The Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry has established the W.W. Wood Awards for “Excellence in Dental Education” to commemorate Dr. Bill Wood whose academic career exemplified dedication to research, teaching and service.
ACFD Distinguished Service Award
The ACFD Distinguished Service Award was established in 2008 to recognise individuals or groups who have made significant contributions to dental education, dental academia, and dental scholarship in Canada.
This extraordinary award is presented annually to an individual or group whose contributions to teaching, research or service within dental education are of such significance and/or span a significant part of a career that special recognition is warranted.
The Award
The award comprises:
- A permanent plaque listing recipients held at the office of the ACFD as well as an individual plaque to be awarded to each recipient;
- A cheque of $2,500 to the recipient; and,
- Expenses paid for the recipient to attend the award ceremony, up to $2,000.
Anyone is eligible to nominate an individual or group for an ACFD Distinguished Service Award. The Award will be announced and a call for nominations will be made annually by the office of the ACFD. The nomination requires:
- A primary letter of nomination;
- Two supporting letters of nomination; and,
- A Curriculum Vitae or similar detailed description of the contributions of the individual or group.
No specific criteria are defined. Deserving individuals or groups should be self-evident based on the significance and/or duration of contributions made to dental education, dental academia and dental scholarship. Such contributions may be at the local, regional, national or international level.
The sitting ACFD Board will adjudicate nominations.
The award will be made by the president of the ACFD at an appropriate time and place such as the ACFD Biennial Conference or similar conference or meeting of national interest.
Past Award Recipients
2024 | Dr. Anne Charbonneau, l’Université de Montréal |
2023 | Dr. Blaine Cleghorn, Dalhousie University |
2022 | Dr. Dan Haas, University of Toronto |
2021 | Dr. John O’Keefe, Canadian Dental Association |
2019 | Dr. Edwin Yen, University of British Columbia |
2018 | Dr. William MacInnis, Dalhousie University |
2017 | Ms. Susan Matheson, Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada |
2015 | Dr. David Singer (Posthumously) |
2014 | Dr. Marcia Boyd, University of British Columbia |
2013 | Dr. Marie Dagenais, McGill University |
2012 | Dr. John Eisner |
2010 | Dr. Jack Gerrow, Dalhousie University |
ACFD National Dental Teaching Award
The Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry (ACFD) is pleased to recognise exceptional contributions to dental education at Canadian Universities through the creation of the ACFD National Dental Teaching Award.
A maximum of one award can be presented annually to a faculty member who has displayed the qualities of an outstanding dental educator. The award will be formally announced and presented to the recipient at a significant dental gathering each year.
The Award
The award comprises:
- A cheque of $2,500 to the recipient;
- Expenses paid for the recipient to attend the award ceremony, up to $2,000; and,
- An award certificate.
The award is open to any faculty member currently teaching within a Canadian DDS/DMD program. Only one nominee may be nominated from each dental institution. The recipient of the award should demonstrate the following characteristics:
- Knowledge of the theory of teaching and learning, as demonstrated through the organisation and presentation of didactic and/or clinical instruction;
- Involvement of student participation in the learning process;
- Specification of performance standards and stimulation of students to reach those standards; ability to communicate effectively;
- Accessibility to students outside class;
- Development of rapport with students; and,
- Utilisation of evaluation methods which assess the higher levels of learning.
Criteria for the Award
The Selection Committee will look for independent evidence of the following:
- Teaching excellence as shown by course evaluations and letters of support from students and colleagues;
- Contributions to education as shown by invited lectures, chapter and text authorship and other contributions to knowledge and understanding important to dentists beyond the nominee’s home institution.
- Work on innovative curriculum projects; and,
- Innovative teaching methodologies or special teaching techniques and materials and methods of evaluation of students;
- Educational leadership as shown by the creation and presentation of seminars, workshops, conferences, invited presentations or other events on teaching/learning conducted by the nominee, plus scientific and educational publications.
Examples of Independent Evidence
- Data from teaching evaluations over several years
- Special course development efforts
- Teaching awards received
- A description of any particularly effective teaching strategies
- Letters of support from students, alumni and/or colleagues
- Examples of course materials
- A summary of seminars, workshops, conferences or other events on teaching/ learning conducted by the nominee
- Publications on university teaching/learning
- Work on curriculum projects
- Examples of leadership in educational development
- Publication of educational materials relevant to the nominee’s area of expertise
Selection Process
Each nominee will be evaluated in three categories:
- Excellence in teaching
- Scholarship in education
- Other significant contribution to dental education
It is expected that most nominees will excel primarily in one area and the selection process is weighted to recognise nominees with high ratings in one area over those with average ratings in more than one area.
The Selection Committee is comprised of a Chair and three representatives selected by the Academic Affairs Committee. Selection will be based on evidence submitted in the nomination material. Members of the Selection Committee will not vote/evaluate a nominee from their own faculty. It is the responsibility of the selection committee to determine that the nominees meet a standard worthy of this national award. The Committee can determine that no award be made in a given year.
Nomination Procedure
Nominations will be accepted from students, alumni or colleagues. The Selection Committee requires the nomination material to be submitted electronically. Completed nomination material must include:
- Covering letter from the nominator outlining the justification for the nomination;
- Letter from the Dean, or equivalent, that addresses the nominee’s special qualifications for the award;
- Curriculum Vitae of the nominee;
- Statement of the nominee’s teaching philosophy;
- Independent evidence that the nominee’s teaching is very highly regarded by students, alumni and/or colleagues, and that the nominee has played a leadership role in the development of university teaching and learning; and,
- Listing of submitted documentation.
Dental institutions are encouraged to re-nominate candidates who were not chosen the following year. There is no limit to the number of times nominations may be re-submitted for this award.
Past Award Recipients
2024 | Dr. Ahmed Hieawy, University of British Columbia |
2023 | Dr. Frances Power, McGill University |
2022 | Dr. Sachin Seth, Dalhousie University |
2021 | Dr. Christophe Bedos, McGill University |
2020 | Dr. Zul Kanji, University of British Columbia |
2018 | Dr. Dieter Schönwetter, University of Manitoba |
2017 | Dr. Jim Yuan Lai, University of Toronto |
2014 | Dr. Markus Haapasalo, University of British Columbia |
2013 | Dr. Steven K. Patterson, University of Alberta |
2011 | Dr. Blaine Cleghorn, Dalhousie University |
2010 | Dr. Rosamund Harrison, University of British Columbia |
2008 | Dr. Christopher Clark, University of British Columbia |
2007 | Dr. W. Leandra Best, University of British Columbia |
2006 | Dr. Henry Lapointe, University of Western Ontario |
2005 | Ms. Bonnie Craig, University of British Columbia |
2004 | Dr. Dorothy McComb, University of Toronto |
2003 | Dr. Bob Loney, Dalhousie University |
2002 | Dr. Joanne Walton, University of British Columbia |
ACFD/CADR National Dental Research Award
The Canadian Association for Dental Research (CADR) along with the Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry (ACFD) are pleased to recognize exceptional contributions to dental research at Canadian Universities through the creation of the ACFD/CADR National Dental Research Award.
A maximum of one award can be presented annually to a faculty member who has displayed the qualities of an outstanding dental researcher.
The Award
The award comprises:
- A cheque of $2,500 to the recipient;
- Expenses paid for the recipient to attend the award ceremony, up to $2,000; and,
- An award certificate.
The award is open to any faculty member currently performing research who is a member of CADR in the year nominated and who holds a primary faculty affiliation within a Canadian Dental Institution. Only one nominee may be nominated from each dental institution. A nominee may only win the award once in their academic career. A maximum of one award can be presented annually to a faculty member.
The recipient of the award should demonstrate the following characteristics:
- Knowledge of their field of study and its significance to oral health as demonstrated through the organization and presentation of research seminars, lectures, and symposia;
- Significant contribution to the creation and dissemination of new knowledge in the field of oral health;
- Ability to communicate effectively;
- Outstanding mentorship;
- Utilisation of innovative and creative approaches to problem solving;
- Profound and lasting effect on current knowledge within a field relevant to oral health.
Criteria for the Award
The Selection Committee will look for independent evidence of the following:
- Research excellence as shown by publications, awards, and letters of support from students and colleagues; summary of seminars, workshops, conferences, invited presentations or other events on research/scholarship conducted by the nominee;
- Academic achievement as evidenced by invited lectures, peer reviewed manuscripts, review chapters, and other unique contributions to discovery, translation, clinical care, education, public health, or knowledge dissemination important to the field of oral health beyond the nominee’s home institution.
- Strong commitment to and excellence in the mentorship of future scientists and scholars
- Innovative research methodologies or special research techniques and materials and methods of evaluation of students;
- Leadership in the creation of new knowledge as shown by the following:
- Leadership in new initiatives and/or programs that create research excellence;
- Leadership at the local, national or international level that promotes research and scholarship
- Evidence of creative and innovative leadership in discovery research in a field of oral health.
Examples of Achievements in Research
- Number and quality of peer-reviewed publications over the past several years
- Publication of review articles and opinion pieces relevant to the nominee’s area of expertise
- Awards received
- A description of any innovative new research methodologies, patents or products
- Letters of support from colleagues, trainees and/or others in oral health field
- Amount and source of research funding
- A summary of seminars, workshops, conferences or other events on oral health conducted by the nominee
- Number and quality of trainees mentored and resultant success in research fields
- Examples of impact of leadership in research and scholarship
Selection Process
Each nominee will be evaluated in three categories:
- Research/Scholarship in Oral Health
- Excellence in Research Mentorship
- Leadership in Dental Medicine Research
It is expected that most nominees will excel primarily in one area and the selection process is weighted to recognize nominees with high ratings in one area over those with average ratings in more than one area. Selection will focus on the IMPACT of the nominee’s research, leadership and mentorship qualities rather than the quantity of activities performed.
The Selection Committee is comprised of a Chair and representatives identified by the ACFD Research Committee. Selection will be based on evidence submitted in the nomination material. Members of the Selection Committee will not vote/evaluate a nominee from their own faculty. It is the responsibility of the selection committee to determine that the nominees meet a standard worthy of this national award. The Committee can determine that no award be made in a given year. The award will be presented at a suitable annual meeting of the ACFD or the CADR.
Nomination Material
Nominations will be accepted from students, alumni or colleagues. The Selection Committee requires an electronic copy of the complete nomination material in pdf format. Nomination material can be no longer than 50 pages. Completed nomination material must include:
- a covering letter from the nominator outlining the justification for the nomination;
- a letter from the Dean, or equivalent, that addresses the nominee’s special qualifications for the award;
- a curriculum vitae of the nominee;
- a statement of the nominee’s research contributions;
- independent evidence that the nominee’s research is very highly regarded by students, alumni and/or colleagues, and that the nominee has played a leadership role in the development of university, national or international scholarship;
- a listing of submitted documentation.
Dental institutions are encouraged to re-nominate candidates who were not chosen during previous nomination cycles. There is no limit to the number of times nominations may be re-submitted for this award.
Past Award Recipients
2024 | Dr. Michael Glogauer, University of Toronto |
2023 | Dr. Anil Kishen, University of Toronto |
2022 | Dr. Antonio Nanci, l’Université de Montréal |
2021 | Dr. Jocelyne Feine, McGill University |
2020 | Dr. Joy Richman, University of British Columbia |
2019 | Dr. Chris McCulloch, University of Toronto |
W.W. Wood Award
The Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry (ACFD) has established the W.W. Wood Award for “Excellence in Dental Education” to commemorate Dr. Bill Wood whose academic career exemplified dedication to research, teaching and service.
This award is given by each faculty annually using selection criteria and mechanisms of their own choice.
Past Award Recipients
2024 | Camila Pacheco-Pereira | University of Alberta |
2024 | Tracy Doyle | Dalhousie University |
2024 | Aaron Kim | University of Manitoba |
2024 | Gisèle Mainville | l’Université de Montréal |
2024 | Mark Berscheid | University of Saskatchewan |
2024 | Greg Anderson | University of Toronto |
2024 | Bingshuang Zou | University of British Columbia |
2024 | Georgia Nikoloudaki | University of Western Ontario |
2023 | Peter Chauvin | McGill University |
2023 | Kim Haslam | Dalhousie University |
2023 | Ryma Kabir | l’Université de Montréal |
2023 | Ida Kornerup | University of Alberta |
2023 | Vanessa Mendes | University of Toronto |
2023 | Annik Pelletier | Université Laval |
2023 | Tyler Phaneuf | University of Saskatchewan |
2023 | Sabina Reitzik | University of British Columbia |
2022 | Blaine AuCoin | University of Alberta |
2022 | Amir Azarpazhoo | University of Toronto |
2022 | Julia Cohen-Levy | McGill University |
2022 | Tanya Cook | Dalhousie University |
2022 | Peter Doig | University of Saskatchewan |
2022 | Katrina Kontaxis | l’Université de Montréal |
2022 | Susan Schmitz | University of British Columbia |
2021 | Veronique Benhamou | McGill University |
2021 | Sally Lockwood | University of Alberta |
2021 | Adriana Manso | University of British Columbia |
2021 | Jacinta Santos | Western University |
2021 | Evan Shaw | Dalhousie University |
2021 | Eszter Somogyi-Ganss | University of Toronto |
2020 | Ava Chow | University of Alberta |
2020 | Eduard Epure | l’Université de Montréal |
2020 | David Kennedy | University of British Columbia |
2020 | Ferne Kraglund | Dalhousie University |
2020 | Joel Rosenbloom | University of Toronto |
2020 | Meng F Seng | McGill University |
2019 | Monica Gibson | University of Alberta |
2019 | Félix Girard | l’Université de Montréal |
2019 | Peter J. Murphy | University of British Columbia |
2019 | Aviv Ouanounou | University of Toronto |
2019 | Frances Power | McGill University |
2019 | Sachin Seth | Dalhousie University |
2018 | Grace Bradley | University of Toronto |
2018 | Anne Charbonneau | Université of Montréal |
2018 | Irwin Fried | McGill University |
2018 | Henry Lapointe | University of Western Ontario |
2018 | Alexandra Diane Ellen Sheppard | University of Alberta |
2018 | Tamara Wright | Dalhousie University |
2017 | Abdulrahman Al-Osman | University of Western Ontario |
2017 | Nancy Black | University of British Columbia |
2017 | Susan Greenwald | McGill University |
2017 | Isabel Mello | Dalhousie University |
2017 | Ivano Ongaro | University of Alberta |
2017 | Anuradha Prakki | University of Toronto |
2016 | John Christie | Dalhousie University |
2016 | Hugo Ciaburro | l’Université de Montréal |
2016 | Bob Clark | McGill University |
2016 | Anil Kishen | University of Toronto |
2016 | Manuel Lagravere | University of Alberta |
2016 | Timothy Wilson | Western University |
2015 | Linda Cochrane | Dalhousie University |
2015 | Mark Darling | Western University |
2015 | Robert Durand | l’Université de Montréal |
2015 | Samuel Lyon Malkinson | McGill University |
2015 | Anthea Senior | University of Alberta |
2015 | Laura Tam | University of Toronto |
2014 | Blaine Cleghorn | Dalhousie University |
2014 | Marissa Garcia Fulle de Owen | University of British Columbia |
2014 | Marcela Ibarra | Western University |
2014 | Adel Kauzman | l’Université de Montréal |
2014 | Faleh Tamimi Marino | McGill University |
2014 | Calvin Torneck | University of Toronto |
2013 | Abdulrahman Al-Osman | Western University |
2013 | Sharon Compton | University of Alberta |
2013 | Tran Volong Dao | l’Université de Montréal |
2013 | Shimon Friedman | University of Toronto |
2013 | Jack Gerrow | Dalhousie University |
2013 | Zul Kanji | University of British Columbia |
2013 | Bassel Kano | McGill University |
2012 | Witold Chmielewski | Universite Laval |
2012 | John Cox | Dalhousie University |
2012 | John Drummond | McGill University |
2012 | Larry Rossoff | University of British Columbia |
2012 | Walter Siqueira | University of Western Ontario |
2011 | Fernanda Almeida | University of British Columbia |
2011 | Ross Anderson | University of Dalhousie |
2011 | Stephen Ferrier | University of Western Ontario |
2011 | Seema Ganatra | University of Alberta |
2010 | Rosaire Bastien | Université Laval |
2010 | Julien Ghannoum | McGill University |
2010 | Marianne Howell | University of Alberta |
2010 | Tom Mara | University of Western Ontario |
2010 | Richard Raftus | Dalhousie University |
2010 | James Richardson | University of British Columbia |
2009 | Sylvie Louise Avon | Université Laval |
2009 | Peter Chauvin | McGill University |
2009 | Gildo Santos | University of Western Ontario |
2009 | Cara Tax | Dalhousie University |
2009 | Chris Wyatt | University of British Columbia |
2009 | Donald Yu | University of Alberta |
2008 | Karen Burgess | University of Toronto |
2008 | Barbara Gitzel | University of Alberta |
2008 | Mark Knetchel | Dalhousie University |
2008 | Eric Lessard | McGill University |
2008 | Dan Pehowich | University of Alberta |
2008 | M. Najeeb Saad | University of Western Ontario |
2008 | Eli Whitney | University of British Columbia |
2007 | Carlos Flores-Mir | University of Alberta |
2007 | Richard Price | Dalhousie University |
2007 | David Sweet | University of British Columbia |
2007 | Keith Titley | University of Toronto |
2007 | Simon Tran | McGill University |
2006 | Ross Bryant | University of British Columbia |
2006 | Sandra Cobban | University of Alberta |
2006 | Henry Lapointe | University of Western Ontario |
2006 | Jean-Marc Retrouvey | McGill University |
2005 | Veronique Benhamou | McGill University |
2005 | Catalena Birek | University of Manitoba |
2005 | Pierre Boudrias | l’Université de Montréal |
2005 | Daniel Haas | University of Toronto |
2005 | Alan Kilistoff | University of British Columbia |
2005 | Steve Patterson | University of Alberta |
2004 | Robert Baker | University of Manitoba |
2004 | Jeff Coil | University of British Columbia |
2004 | Marie Dagenais | McGill University |
2004 | Gilles Gauthier | l’Université de Montréal |
2004 | Reginald H.B. Goodday | Dalhousie University |
2004 | Dorothy McComb | University of Toronto |
2004 | Ed Peters | University of Alberta |
2004 | Lawrence Stockton | University of Manitoba |
2003 | Ernest Lam | University of Alberta |
2003 | Alan Lowe | University of British Columbia |
2003 | Robert M. MacDonald | Dalhousie University |
2003 | Archie McNicol | University of Manitoba |
2003 | Annie St. Georges | l’Université de Montréal |
2003 | Martin Tyler | McGill University |
2002 | Herb Borsuk | McGill University |
2002 | Daphne Cringan | University of Manitoba |
2002 | Thomas Daley | University of Western Ontario |
2002 | Kent Gibb | University of Alberta |
2002 | William Gray | University of Western Ontario |
2002 | Benoit Lalonde | l’Université de Montréal |
2002 | Lex MacNeil | University of British Columbia |
2002 | Nadine Milos | University of Alberta |
2002 | Sylvie Morin | Université Laval |
2002 | Allan N. Swanzey | Dalhousie University |
2001 | Cathia Bergeron | Université Laval |
2001 | Anita Eastwood | University of Alberta |
2001 | Charles Lekic | University of Manitoba |
2001 | David Locker | University of Toronto |
2001 | Robert W. Loney | Dalhousie University |
2001 | Ian Matthew | University of British Columbia |
2001 | Julia Pompura | McGill University |
2000 | Peter Birek | University of Toronto |
2000 | Douglas Chaytor | Dalhousie University |
2000 | Diane Girardin | University of Manitoba |
2000 | Timothy Wilson Head | McGill University |
2000 | Lance Rucker | University of British Columbia |
2000 | George P. Wysocki | University of Western Ontario |
1999 | Christopher Clark | University of British Columbia |
1999 | Frances Greenwood | University of Toronto |
1999 | Michael J. Hornyak | University of Western Ontario |
1999 | Tim McGaw | University of Alberta |
1999 | Terry Mitchell | Dalhousie University |
1999 | John B. Perry | University of Manitoba |
1998 | James. D Anderson | University of Toronto |
1998 | Thomas H. Blackmore | Dalhousie University |
1998 | Robert J. David | McGill University |
1998 | Khadry A. Gahil | University of Western Ontario |
1998 | Laura Lee MacDonald | University of Manitoba |
1998 | Joanne Walton | University of British Columbia |
1997 | Choong Foong | Dalhousie University |
1997 | Oleg S. Kopykov | McGill University |
1997 | Norman Levine | University of Toronto |
1997 | Brock Love | University of Manitoba |
1997 | Lex MacNeil | University of British Columbia |
1997 | Francisco Otero | University of Saskatchewan |
1997 | Robert J. Wainright | University of Western Ontario |
1996 | Thomas L. Boran | Dalhousie University |
1996 | Thomas Daley | University of Western Ontario |
1996 | Ronald Donnelly | University of Manitoba |
1996 | Felicity Hardwick | University of Manitoba |
1996 | Dennis Thomas Lanigan | University of Saskatchewan |
1996 | Bernard Liebgott | University of Toronto |
1995 | Noel H. Andrews | Dalhousie University |
1995 | Herb Borsuk | McGill University |
1995 | Gordan Deane | University of Manitoba |
1995 | Christopher Lavelle | University of Manitoba |
1995 | Helen Scott | University of British Columbia |
1995 | Ravi Shah | University of British Columbia |
1995 | Paul Teplitsky | University of Saskatchewan |
1995 | Glenn Walker | University of Western Ontario |
1995 | Donald G. Woodside | University of Toronto |
1994 | Noel H. Andrews | Dalhousie University |
1994 | Blaine Cleghorn | University of Manitoba |
1994 | Donald R. Gratton | University of Western Ontario |
1994 | Peter A. Konchak | University of Saskatchewan |
1994 | Grace Petrikowski | University of Alberta |
1994 | Elliott J. Sutow | Dalhousie University |
1993 | Ernest R. Ambrose | University of Saskatchewan |
1993 | Donald Brunette | University of British Columbia |
1993 | George H.W. Bowden | University of Manitoba |
1993 | Ralph C. Burgess | University of Toronto |
1993 | Robin Howell | Dalhousie University |
1993 | W. (Bob) Margolis | University of Alberta |
1993 | Robert J. McConnell | University of Western Ontario |
1993 | Stephane Schwartz | McGill University |
1992 | Don M. Collinson | University of Alberta |
1992 | Russell A. Hugill | University of Western Ontario |
1992 | William K. Lobb | Dalhousie University |
1992 | Robert Loney | University of Saskatchewan |
1992 | Helen Lyttle | University of Manitoba |
1992 | Lance Rucker | University of British Columbia |
1992 | William Sanders | McGill University |
1992 | Jean Turgeon | l’Université de Montréal |