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Training Programs: BTDPC Program

Online Application

The ACFD Bridge Training to Dental Practice in Canada Program will be accepting applications until midnight February 28, 2025.

  • Your application will be reviewed and selected by all three pilot sites (University of Alberta, Laval University, and Dalhousie University). You will only need to submit one application to be considered for all three sites.
  • Please provide all of the requested information below in a single submission.
  • To be eligible for consideration, applicants must be a graduate from a non-accredited program and submit all required documents together in a single package.
  • Applications that are incomplete or lack the required documentation will not be reviewed.
  • Applicants must meet all minimum requirements.
  • Admission decisions are final. There is no formal appeal to any other body or person.

For inquiries please contact

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Personal Information

Please provide all given names (First, Middle) in this field, exactly as presented in NDEB documents.
Please provide all family names in the Last Name field, exactly as presented in NDEB documents.
Email Address

Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact Name

Consent to Share Information from NDEB to ACFD Bridge Training to Dental Practice in Canada Program

ACFD Bridge Training to Dental Practice in Canada Program Requirements

Applicant will be required to provide consent to allow their NDEB Equivalency Pathway application information, and results from the AFK and ACJ will be forwarded from NDEB to ACFD.

For use only in the ACFD Bridge Training to Dental Practice in Canada Program admissions process, I hereby provide my consent for:

  1. ACFD Bridge Training to Dental Practice in Canada Program to use my application information and share with NDEB for verification purposes.
  2. NDEB to provide the ACFD Bridge Training to Dental Practice in Canada Program with results from all my attempts at all NDEB exams.
Consent Statement

Program Site Preferences

The ACFD Bridge Training to Dental Practice in Canada Program is being offered at three Universities in the 2025–2026 cycle.

The application process uses rank-ordered lists to select and determine which candidate should be considered for which site.

We will endeavour to assign candidates according to their preferred choice, but this cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, it is important to understand that as part of the selection process, candidates who progress in the selection process will be required to go in-person to one of the sites for an assessment lasting approximately 1 week before the final selection of candidates is made.

Please select the site you wish to be considered for the program and the choice of which you wish to be considered. Please note, based on your language of instruction, you may only select the sites that offers your language of instruction.

You may select a maximum of one school for each choice.

Language of Instruction
Please note: you will be assessed based on your language of instruction.
University of Alberta (English Instruction Only)
Dalhousie University (English Instruction Only)
Laval University (French Instruction Only)

Application Information

Please provide your Curriculum Vitae and proof of residency status in Canada.

Please note: you must be either a Canadian Citizen, or a permanent resident of Canada to be eligible for this program.

Please submit your CV in one PDF.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please submit all your proof of citizenship/residency status document(s) in one PDF.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Academic and Training Experience

The ACFD Bridge Training to Dental Practice in Canada Program requires a description of your academic and training experiences to date. This description can include any experience you have taken to enhance your professional expertise for dental practice.

In a maximum of 500 words, please describe your academic and training experience related to dental practice.

Clinical Experience

The ACFD Bridge Training to Dental Practice in Canada Program requires a description of your clinical experiences to date and require three references to verify the clinical experiences you have stated in your application. Please provide contact information for three professional references that can verify your clinical experience.

In a maximum of 500 words, please describe your clinical experience to date. Specifically, please state how many years after graduation you have provided clinical care, what type of care you have provided (eg restorative, prosthodontics, periodontal, endodontic etc.), and in what setting(s) have you provided care.


Please list any clinic colleagues, staff, or supervisors who can validate your clinical experiences as stated above. Family members cannot serve as a reference.

I certify the information I have provided in my application to be true to the best of my knowledge, and the application information is submitted for myself. Any misrepresentation of information may result in removal from consideration or from the training program.

Application Payment

The Application Fee is collected by the ACFD for the purposes of sustaining the Bridge Training to Dental Practice in Canada Program. Application fees are non-refundable.
