Position statements

ACFD position statement on Water Fluoridation

The ACFD supports and agrees with the statements on community water fluoridation (CWF) of the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH; https://www.cadth.ca/community-water-fluoridation-programs-health-technology-assessment), the Canadian Association of Public Health Dentistry (CAPHD; http://www.caphd.ca/advocacy/position-statements) and the Public health Agency of Canada (PHAC; https://www.canada.ca/en/services/health/publications/healthy-living/fluoride-position-statement.html). ACFD recognizes, however, the on-going need for research to investigate the possible harmful effects of CWF, in addition to its well-recognized effects in preventing dental caries.

ACFD position statement on COVID-19 vaccination

ACFD strongly supports the use of the COVID-19 vaccination throughout the population to reduce the very significant morbidity and mortality resulting from COVID-19 infection. ACFD recognizes the wealth of scientific evidence to support the benefits of such vaccination. Furthermore, the safety and well-being of the patients, staff, students and faculty at our member dental schools is a priority for these institutions and the ACFD. The ACFD therefore strongly supports mandatory vaccination of all faculty, students and staff at our member schools.

ACFD position statement on Racism

The Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry (ACFD), alongside its ten school-members, strongly condemns anti-Black, anti-Indigenous and anti-Asian racism as well as any other kind of discrimination. Informed by historical and current events in Canada and worldwide, the ACFD continues to foster an organizational culture of inclusion, equity, safety and diversity. The Association recognises its opportunity to facilitate change through education, research, advocacy and service and embraces its responsibility to continuously work towards the elimination of systemic racism.